ISO obshtaIn the year 2007 ATES Ltd was ISO 9001:2000 certified by DQS GmbH and from then on keeps developing its Quality Control System.

IsoIn the year 2010 ATES Ltd was ISO 9001:2008 certified by DQS GmbH and continues to improve.

kupaIn the year 2008 ATES Ltd won a product quality competition conducted by «СЕБН БГ» among firms from the towns: Kazanlik, Mezdra, Karnobat and Sliven.
gramota 2009Gramota Obshta

In the year 2010 ATES Ltd was acknowledged as a leader in machinery sector of Sliven region. Governor of the region has awarded an Honorary Citation to the ATES’s Ltd CEO.

gramota 2012In the year 2012 ATES Ltd was acknowledged as a leader in economical sector of Sliven region. Governor of the region has awarded an Honorary Citation to the ATES’s Ltd CEO.

kupaATES Ltd won silver medal in the internantional competition, conducted by G-Stars in Poland.

nagradiOn annual competition in Karnobat, conducted by G-STARS and «СЕБН БГ», ATES Ltd won a cup and many certificates.

Only a well-trained, qualified and highly motivated worker can produce quality product. That’s why one of the major tasks in ATES Ltd is to prepare qualified personal. Every new employee attends theoretical and practical curricula. Periodically programs of improvement of professional skills are carried out. Lessons are held in a modern classroom, equipped with the latest technical devises and having all necessary materials for teaching.

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